chet wa ḵ’áyach’tn ta néwyap
ta néwyap síiyam̓, síiyay̓, siiyúxwa7 iy ta s7eḵw’í7tel-cht,
chet tl’á7ashn kwi nach’aw̓icháwanexw tl’a Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw kwi ḵwetḵ tem ḵwélemexw 2023. nilh ta tl’á7ashn wa nantm ta tl’á7ashn skwáyel tl’a Sḵwx̱wú7mesh iy na hin̓ i7x̱w tem ḵwélemexw.
chet wa kw’enmán i7x̱w swat kwis m̓i tl’iḵnumiwit i7x̱w kwi tl’á7ashencht men wé7u chet ta wa lhtim̓á cht. chet yew̓ints an eskwkwín̓ kwi ts7it syétsem cht. men wé7u chet kwis ts’its’áp’new̓as iy kwis chet ip’ís kwi nch’ú7mut sḵwálwen tim̓á tkwi swa7ám̓cht na7 tkwi kwekwín̓. ta ts7it syétsem cht iy ta wa lhtim̓á cht na7 ta ḵwetḵ tpánu na an esxwéxwkw na7 ta kw’in sts’its’áp’cht.
nilh ta sts’its’áp’ na m̓i shewáy iy na m̓i iyímen i7x̱w ta úxwumixw ti stsi7s iy kwi hem̓í eḵ’ stélmexw á7aw̓t tl’a nímalh iy nilh melh welh wa nantm ’Nation Building Initiatives.’ men wé7u chet kwis chén̓chenstway na7 ta i7x̱w sts’its’áp’cht.
an esxwéxwkw kwi a i7x̱w sḵwálwen na7 ti sts’its’áp’ iy stl’i7 chet kwis ḵw’ú7tsutyap na7 ti esxwéxwkw sts’its’áp’.
huy chexw a (thank you) to Norman Guerrero Jr, Setálten for recording the audio version of this Welcome Message.
Welcome (We Raise Our Hands To You All)
To you all, respected leaders, friends, Elders, and relatives,
In July 2023 we held a month-long celebration called Squamish Days Festival to celebrate 100 years since 16 villages amalgamated to become the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw. We thank everyone for attending the events, for coming together to learn, celebrate, acknowledge, and uphold our ways of being.
We know that Sḵwx̱wú7mesh history stretches through thousands of years of existence, long before Amalgamation. Our people have a rich history of living and working together in our communities with shared values, teachings, and family ties.
Over the past year that history has been the foundation for several important projects. They are called Nation building initiatives because they aim to ensure we grow and thrive for generations to come. By taking back control over our education and the right to care for our children, to updating our Membership Code and developing a Constitution, we will uplift our people.
Your voices are important in this work, and we encourage you to continue to be involved in setting our communities up for continued success.